Documenting Veeam Backup Job Settings

A few months back I came across this article from Luca Dell’Oca – Check multiple job settings in Veeam Backup & Replication with Powershell.  As he describes, this is a great way to get a good view of your backup jobs.  When you have a few hands in the mix, over time with lots of jobs, human error is going to happen.  A missed check box here, incorrect setting there. You’ll be surprised what you may find the first time you look.  So I decided to finally take his advice and create a quick report that dumps the job details to a csv file.

There are currently 24 attributes returned covering 90% of the options within the Edit Job wizard. The first time I ran the report I was surprised to see how many incorrect entries there were. Nothing catastrophic but lots of little inconsistencies. It’s great to have a view of everything all in one place, especially when you have many jobs.

Gather Veeam Backup Job Details
This script will create a csv file that contains details about each Veeam backup job.
This is helpful when you want to ensure consistency when, for example multiple people are creating multiple jobs.
Also good for documenting your backup job settings.
Once in Excel, you can filter and twist the data anyway that's helpful.
Path to the csv file to create, including file name
Author: Shawn Masterson
Created: December 2013
Version: 1.0
Luca Dell'Oca
Intended to be run direct on the VBR server with Veeam Powershell addin installed
Powershell v2 or better
Veeam Backup and Replication v7
.\VeeamJobDetail.ps1 -path c:\temp\jobdetails.csv
There is very little error catching built into this script
# Parameters
param (
[Parameter(mandatory=$false)] [String]$path
# User Defined Variables
# Open csv file after creation
$autoLaunch = $false
# Static Variables
$scriptName = "VeeamJobDetail"
$scriptVer = "1.0"
$scriptDir = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
$starttime = Get-Date -uformat "%m-%d-%Y %I:%M:%S"
$allDetails = @()
# Load Snap-ins
# Add Veeam snap-in if required
If ((Get-PSSnapin -Name VeeamPSSnapin -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) {add-pssnapin VeeamPSSnapin}
# Functions
# Main Procedures
Write-Host "********************************************************************************"
Write-Host "$scriptName`tVer:$scriptVer`t`t`tStart Time:`t$starttime"
Write-Host "********************************************************************************`n"
# Get Backup Jobs
$jobs = Get-VBRJob | ?{$_.JobType -eq "Backup"}
# Loop through each job adding details to array
foreach ($job in $jobs) {
$jobOptions = New-Object PSObject
$jobOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Name" -value $
$jobOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Enabled" -value $job.isscheduleenabled
$jobOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Backup Mode" -value $job.backuptargetoptions.algorithm
$repo = (Get-VBRBackupRepository | ?{$_.HostId -eq $job.TargetHostId -and $_.Path -eq $job.TargetDir}).name
$jobOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Repository" -value $repo
$proxies = $null
foreach ($prox in ($job | get-vbrjobproxy)) {
$pName = $prox.Name
$proxies = $proxies + $pName
$jobOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Proxy" -value $proxies
$jobOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Auto Proxy" -Value $job.sourceproxyautodetect
$jobOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Next Run" -Value $job.scheduleoptions.nextrun
$jobOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Restore Points" -Value $job.backupstorageoptions.retaincycles
$jobOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Deduplication" -Value $job.backupstorageoptions.enablededuplication
$comp = $job.backupstorageoptions.compressionlevel
If ($comp -eq 0) {$comp = "None"}
If ($comp -eq 4) {$comp = "Dedupe Friendly"}
If ($comp -eq 5) {$comp = "Optimal"}
If ($comp -eq 6) {$comp = "High"}
If ($comp -eq 9) {$comp = "Extreme"}
$jobOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Compression" -Value $comp
$opti = $job.backupstorageoptions.stgblocksize
If ($opti -eq "KbBlockSize8192") {$opti = "Local Target(16TB+ Files)"}
If ($opti -eq "KbBlockSize1024") {$opti = "Local Target"}
If ($opti -eq "KbBlockSize512") {$opti = "LAN Target"}
If ($opti -eq "KbBlockSize256") {$opti = "WAN Target"}
$jobOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Optimized" -Value $opti
$jobOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Integrity Checks" -Value $job.backupstorageoptions.enableintegritychecks
$jobOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Exclude Swap" -Value $job.visourceoptions.excludeswapfile
$jobOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Remove Deleted VMs" -Value $job.backupstorageoptions.enabledeletedvmdataretention
$jobOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Retain Deleted VMs" -Value $job.backupstorageoptions.retaindays
$jobOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "CBT Enabled" -Value $job.visourceoptions.usechangetracking
$jobOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Auto Enable CBT" -Value $job.visourceoptions.enablechangetracking
$jobOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Set VM Note" -Value $job.visourceoptions.setresultstovmnotes
$jobOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VM Attribute Name" -Value $job.visourceoptions.vmattributename
$jobOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VMTools Quiesce" -Value $job.visourceoptions.vmtoolsquiesce
$jobOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VSS Enabled" -Value $job.vssoptions.enabled
$igfs = $job.vssoptions.guestfsindexingtype
If ($igfs -eq "None") {$igfs = "Disabled"}
ElseIf ($igfs -eq "EveryFolders") {$igfs = "Enabled"}
$jobOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Index Guest FS" -Value $igfs
$jobOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VSS Username" -Value $($job | get-vbrjobvssoptions).credentials.username
$jobOptions | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Description" -Value $job.Description
$allDetails += $jobOptions
# Outputs
# Display results summary
$allDetails | select Name, Enabled | Sort Name | ft -AutoSize
If (!$path -or !$path.EndsWith(".csv")) {
Write-Host "`n`nUsing Default Path"
$path = $scriptDir + "\" + $scriptName + "_" + (Get-Date -uformat %m-%d-%Y_%I-%M-%S) + ".csv"
} Else {
Write-Host "`n`nUsing Supplied Path"
# Export results
$allDetails | Sort Name | Export-Csv $path -NoTypeInformation -Force
# Open csv
If ($autoLaunch) {
Invoke-Item $path
$finishtime = Get-Date -uformat "%m-%d-%Y %I:%M:%S"
Write-Host "`n`n"
Write-Host "********************************************************************************"
Write-Host "$scriptName`t`t`t`tFinish Time:`t$finishtime"
Write-Host "********************************************************************************"
# Prompt to exit script – This leaves PS window open when run via right-click
Write-Host "`n`n"
Write-Host "Press any key to continue …" -foregroundcolor Gray
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")

9 thoughts on “Documenting Veeam Backup Job Settings

  1. Chris

    Hi there this works great except ive got some repositorys that have come back as “System.object[]” any idea why? or how I get this working?

    many thanks

    1. smasterson Post author

      Hi Chris
      What type of repositories do you use?

      I suspect this line is the issue
      $repo = (Get-VBRBackupRepository | ?{$_.HostId -eq $job.TargetHostId -and $_.Path -eq $job.TargetDir}).name

      That should be returning just the name of the repo where the Id and Path match that specified in the job details. It appears you are returning an object which means something is not being evaluated correctly.

      Do you receive any errors?

  2. Muhammad Ammad


    this is very useful to me, I have confusion in report as in Job-policy, the options selected
    Job A ==
    Backup-Mode = Reverse and Active full

    But in report its states about Synthetic-Full, however this option is not selected there.

        1. smasterson Post author

          There have been a few job type additions introduced that most likely changed this info.
          Your best bet may be to use the framework of this script and ask in the Veeam forums on how to obtain the info you are looking for.
          Good Luck!


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